WACSSO Welcomes Free Vacation Swimming Announcement

WACSSO acknowledges the State Government announcement regarding free VacSwim for Western Australian children this coming summer.

The VacSwim program, operated by the WA Department of Education, is important to WA families. WACSSO has advocated on a number of occasions when changes to this program have been proposed. Similarly, our P&Cs have often raised with WACSSO State Councillors the need for VacSwim to continue in their areas and have engaged in strong and successful advocacy work on behalf of children in their region when it appeared programs would be cut or restricted.

“The cost of living is a phrase we see time and again in the media, but it is a real and present issue for families,” says WACSSO President, Pania Turner. “The support provided by the government this year has been welcomed, and in particular we acknowledge the financial support of the essential VacSwim program. We know our affiliates strongly support the VacSwim programs in their areas, and so many Western Australian children make use of this opportunity each year, especially in summer. There was a time when we voiced our concerns over the possibility of cuts and reductions to this program, now to see VacSwim receiving financial backing of the government is really welcome,” she added.

WACSSO understands that as a part of this announcement, the government has committed to offering VacSwim at no cost to families this summer for the December and January programs, and this includes covering the entry fee to venues where this is usually applied. We hope this financial support will ensure as many children as possible can access swimming lessons, developing the skills they need to become confident in the water. WACSSO also understands that from 2025, for 4 years (2025-28 inclusive) fees will be waived for 8 low ICSEA metropolitan non-government schools that access the In-term swimming program. This, too, is welcomed news.

WACSSO anticipates that the strengthening and increasing in accessibility of the VacSwim and In-term swimming programs delivered by the Department of Education will be welcomed by our members and that enrolments in these programs will reflect the demand for the experience and skills development they offer WA children.

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