WACSSO proudly represents the voices of public school parents across WA. We believe all children in Western Australia should have access to a world-class education.
Integral to the WACSSO vision is the advocacy work undertaken on behalf of parents. For over 100 years, WACSSO has provided advice and services to more than 650 Parents and Citizens Associations (P&Cs) in Western Australia and represented public school parents to decision-makers and organisations at the State and National levels.
Part of the advocacy agenda includes hosting an education forum ahead of each State Election. The forum is directed at public school parents, members of P&Cs across WA and leaders in the education sector. The event provides key stakeholders the opportunity to hear directly from representatives of the major parties ahead of the election and discuss key issues facing public school parents.
“WACSSO believes that parental engagement in their child’s education is paramount to a student’s success in any learning environment,” says WACSSO President, Pania Turner. “We anticipate that the Forum will provide an opportunity for parents, community members, and other leaders in education to discuss the future direction of public education in WA.
“This event will give Western Australian public school parents and selected guests the opportunity to raise issues of concern and enquire on matters pertaining to public education in WA. Together with our State Councillors and staff, I am looking forward to an evening of robust, positive discussion about the future of education in WA, focusing on the priorities, challenges and opportunities facing parents,” added Pania.
The panel will consist of Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, Minister for Education, Ms Julie Freeman, Nationals WA Candidate for the Legislative Council, Hon. Donna Faragher MLC, Member for East Metropolitan Region, and Ms Sophie McNeill, Greens WA Candidate for the Upper House. Each panel member will be given the opportunity to address attendees and answer questions from the audience. The event will be moderated by Miriam Borthwick.
Details of this event, plus a copy of WACSSO’s State Election Position Paper, can be downloaded here.