Trayning Primary School
Wheatbelt North

Trayning Primary School

School Address:

Adam Street, Trayning, WA 6488

Kim Allison

Wheatbelt North

Your Councillor is

Kim Allison

My name is Kim Allison and I am a member of the Bolgart Primary School P&C.

I am a busy mum of 4, 3 of whom attend Bolgart Primary School and my eldest, 22, is at TAFE.

I started my P&C journey at Bolgart in 2021, when we moved here from Canberra. The Bolgart community has welcomed us with open arms and the children (10, 7 and 5) have settled beautifully into small school life.

I wear several hats, as many volunteers do. I am President of the Bolgart Primary School P&C, a small business owner and an active member of my community, involved in various local projects outside of my P&C.

I am passionate about giving back to the community that has given us so much. My volunteer positions require different strengths from me, but all require a strong focus in relationship building and stakeholder engagement.
My aim in all my volunteer work is achieving good governance and transparency to ensure the smooth running of the Association.

I look forward to meeting more local Affiliates and to be a voice for Wheatbelt North.

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