Mount Lockyer Primary School
Great Southern

Mount Lockyer Primary School

School Address:

Humphreys Street, Albany, WA 6330

Julie Brooks

Senior Vice President - Great Southern

Your Councillor is

Julie Brooks

I’m extremely grateful and privileged to be your WACSSO State Councillor for the Great Southern.

I have been an active member in my children’s school P&Cs since my eldest commenced Kindy in 2006. I have experience in the roles of P&C President, VP, convener of Canteen and fundraising committees on both primary and high school P&Cs. I’m currently a member of Albany Senior High School P&C and North Albany Senior High School/ Albany Secondary Education Support Centre P&C.

I’m a strong believer in connected communities and the importance of equality in our education settings. When parents work collaboratively, we can achieve great things for our children’s education. This has become more evident to me since becoming a WACSSO State Councillor, where I have been fortunate to have represented parent voices in many submissions and advocacy work.

My role as State Councillor is to support, listen and represent your voices on the issues and views in your P&C communities. Please reach out and let me know how I can assist your P&C. I’m available to attend your meetings and am contactable by phone or email. I look forward in hearing from you soon.

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