Leonora District High School

Leonora District High School

School Address:

Gwalia Street, Leonora, WA 6438

Theresa Miloseski


Your Councillor is

Theresa Miloseski

My name is Theresa Miloseseki and I am a devoted mother of two children. My journey as a volunteer began at the age of 20 and it has been a continuous thread throughout my life, with varied roles and meaningful contributions. My early volunteering efforts took me to Samoa, where I cared for children with severe disabilities. My passion for advocacy is also evident in my volunteer work with organizations supporting families of premature babies and children.

My career initially flourished within an office environment, however, the early birth of my micro premature daughter necessitated a break from full-time employment. During this period, I balanced my responsibilities at home with part-time accounts work. More recently my children have faced new challenges that require me to once again put my career on hold whilst I navigate and support their significant interventions.

My involvement with P&C groups has been a big part of my community engagement. Initially active within the Catholic school sector in Perth, I later extended my contributions to the public sector when we moved to Hopetoun in 2020 and my children entered the public school sector. My role in Hopetoun Primary Schools P&C group has been multifaceted as Treasurer, Canteen Supervisor and general volunteer.

I firmly believe that every child has the right to a good and consistent education in a safe and nurturing environment. This belief drives my efforts and fuels my commitment to making a positive impact. I look forward to connecting with P&C groups across the Goldfields-Esperance region. I am eager to collaborate and achieve the many great initiatives that WACSSO has to offer in terms of advocacy and support.  I encourage open communication and invite all members of the P&C community within my region to reach out with any P&C-related discussions. I promise I am approachable and have a readiness to assist where possible and look forward to hearing from you.

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