Carnarvon School Of The Air

Carnarvon School Of The Air

School Address:

20 Carnarvon Rd, Carnarvon, WA 6701

Paula Steenson


Your Councillor is

Paula Steenson

My name is Paula Steenson and am a member of Waggrakine Primary School and Geraldton Senior High School Parents and Citizens’ Associations.

With 3 children, the eldest in Year 11, second child in year 5 and my youngest heading into Kindy in 2020, I am kept busy with running around after them as well as my P&C commitments, membership of 2 school boards as well as numerous sporting committees throughout Geraldton.

As the WACSSO State Councillor, it is my role to represent the opinions of affiliates within the electorate. As such, I will be in regular contact to ask your opinion on issues that are being dealt with by the State Council of WACSSO. I am also the local contact person for WACSSO, therefore if you have any questions about WACSSO or its activities then please feel free to contact me.

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