Friday 24 May is P&C Day WA. This day, created by WACSSO, is an official date in the Department of Education calendar and is designed to celebrate P&Cs across the State.
Many community members will know of the vital work done by P&Cs. Typically, P&Cs provide schools with support, including fundraising, community events, classroom resources, running canteens and uniform shops, and, importantly, improving parent engagement with children’s education and building the school community. P&Cs also have special interest sub-committees that focus on, for example, a sport, the music program, fundraising, the school grounds, or school community engagement areas such as dad’s groups.
“P&Cs contribute an incredible amount to their school communities,” says WACSSO President, Pania Turner. “At last count, on average P&Cs donated an estimated total of nearly $12 million each year to school communities, and 500,000 volunteer hours. Many people don’t realise this, but the role of a P&C is more than a fundraising body. The purpose that drives P&Cs is actually three-fold: generating cooperation, assisting with resources and facilities, and fostering community interest in educational matters. While the middle one of these objects gets the most airtime, because it is easiest to quantify, the engagement of parents in their child’s school and cooperation between all partners to a student’s education is critical. And these are the reasons that so many parents choose to invest their time with their P&C,” explains Pania.
P&C Day WA sits purposely within National Volunteer Week, which this year has the theme of ‘Something for Everyone.’ This theme resonates strongly with P&Cs, as the opportunities to volunteer are incredibly varied. From running an event, to applying for a grant, helping in the canteen, balancing the books, being the link between the school and its parents, or taking on the responsibility of making new families feel welcome, there is absolutely something for everyone in a P&C. And all of these many thousands of volunteers are being thanked and celebrated for their effort, commitment and achievements this Friday.
On P&C Day WA, WACSSO encourages all schools to host thank you events and activities aimed at their P&C volunteers. Even a simple thank you card, created by students, makes for a special acknowledgement of hardworking volunteers. WACSSO thanks both the Director General of Education and the Education Minister for their support of this important event.
Follow #pandcdaywa to see all the celebrations as they unfold on Friday.